Things you shouldn’t do if you have Acne!
1. Don’t touch your face.
When I started college, I was really shy so I use to rest my chin in my hand sort of like listening whilst holding my face, I had a cluster of spots in the exact print of my hand. our hands touch everything, our phones, trollies doors keep them away from your face. Always wash your hands before tending to your Acne.
2. Don’t over indulge in sugary items
It may be up for debate as to whether sugar is a cause for acne, but what I can tell you for a fact. It will not help. I had an incredibly sweet tooth growing up and my face suffered for it at the cost. Just cut sugar down especially white sugar. If you have to make the time of the month an exception for chocolate buys, then do that. Opt for natural sugars and sweat stuff whenever you can.
3. Don’t skip face washes
How I see it, your skin absorbs whatever is on it, don’t let it absorb the days grime.
4. Never ever sleep in your make up
Your skin will pay for it! One of the most common thing I have heard from females that when they stay over at a new ‘love interest’s house for the first time, They sleep in their make up! In fear of showing their face without it. Listen if they can’t see you without your make up then you shouldn’t be staying over. Go Home!
5. Dilute Juice is not water! Stop counting it as water
Everyone with Acne should know how vital drinking water is, for helping our skin. Your skin is always at its best when its fully hydrated. If you need help sticking to water, see my blog on Sticking to drinking water
6. Don’t sleep with your hair out
Your hair will be full of its own products make sure it is wrapped up. To avoid any hair products transferring over to your pillow
You can get hair wraps for cheap on amazon here
7. And finally, don’t be critical on yourself
Yes, your skin is sensitive and yes, I know it can get annoying and knock your confidence, firstly let me remind you, you are not alone, there is a community of us out there. But more importantly learn to own your acne.
Own it! Hiding it isn’t helping it and it isn’t helping you. The more you accept that you have acne and its fine the more you will get used to other people seeing it as well. This is not only empowering, but it will most certainly empower others!